Zima Child Hope Africa (ZICHA) is a not-for-profit non-governmental organization in Uganda with a vision to attain transformation in the lives of the under privileged children bringing hope to each Child with a holistic approach for their well-being.


Children attained Pre-primary education
Pre-primary school built
Commitments to sexual purity until marriage
Children equipped with livelihoods and life skills


Child Sponsorship

Our Child sponsorship program provides education to needy children whose families are unable to cover the full cost for their education. We do this with the help of loving sponsors who donate funds to the children's education.

At ZICHA our sponsors are family and we greatly value their generosity. Through the sponsorship program, children are also able to receive basic medical care that ensures their physical wellbeing.


Health & Well-being

Under this program the physical, mental, spiritual, personal, cultural and social development of a child is nurtured.

The children are taught how to relate well with their parents and community members. The children are skilled on positive social behaviors and taught on how to deal with the prevailing social challenges.

Lessons that address the cognitive aspect are taught to the children.


Livelihood & Life Skills

We carry out a number of trainings and activities under this program to promote children's innovativeness, entrepreneurship and social skills.

For vocational skilling, we conduct the following trainings that include computer training, baking, and hairdressing. The life skills we impart include self-awareness, empathy, critical thinking, creative thinking, decision making, problem solving, effective communication, interpersonal relationship, etc.



Zima Child Hope Africa (ZICHA) connects Sponsors with needy children in Uganda. At the front line are the experienced social workers who identify the children in need of sponsorship based on ZICHA's sponsorship selection criteria.

£ 24 or $ 30 a month will for one child cover:

• Education costs (School fees and scholastics)
• Health screening and medical treatment
• Knowledge and skill impacting lessons/training
• Hygiene supplies like soap and toothpaste
• Home visitation
• Centre day supplies like food, snacks, stationary and games

Our sponsors receive update reports twice a year about their sponsored child. We provide our sponsors with accurate and up-to-date information about the child without violating any of the child's privacy rights.
Sponsors also have the opportunity to write letters to the children they sponsor.

Click here to read more about our sponsorship program.